Cyprus 2015

Abbreviations: M - Mandria; PAP - Paphos Archaeological Park; ES - Ezousas Soakway; PSW - Paphos Sewage Works; Ph - Phassouri; AGP - Akrotiri Gravel Pit;ASL - Akrotiri Salt Lake; LM - Lady's Mile; Mo - Moulia; AD - Asprokremnos Dam; ZM - Zakaki Marsh; AP - Anarita Park; KC - Kensington Cliffs;

1. Shag. 2 M, 11th.

2. Night Heron. 1 PAP 10th; 1 ES 13th, 7 over near Paphos 14th.

3. Squacco heron. Up to 8 ES; also seen at PAP, Ph, AGP.

Squacco heron

4. Cattle egret. Up to 2 ES, PSW. 8, LM 14th.

cattle egret

5. Little egret. up to 3 ES. A flock of about 20 off Akrotiri 14th.

6. Great egret. 3 flew W past Mo 9th.

7. Purple heron. 2 PAP 9th; 16 flew towards AD 13th; 1 ZM 14th.

Purple heron

8. Glossy ibis. Up to 3 ES. 10+ Akrotiri 14th. Bird below with a tadpole in its mouth.

glossy ibis

glossy ibis

9. Greater flamingo. c15 ASL 14th.

10.Mallard. Akrotiri 14th.

11. Shoveler. 2 ZM 14th.

12. Ferruginous duck. 5 ZM, 14th.

13. Common buzzard. 1 AGP, 14th.

Cyprus birds 2

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